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Showing posts from March, 2022

How to Read Guitar Tablature (Tabs)

Tablature (tabulation) numbers is a system of the most readable way to play the guitar instrument.  By using lines and numbers to represent the strings and frets (columns in the neck of the guitar that are embedded in iron) on the guitar. If the photo isn't clear, here's a way to read the tablature on Google Drive.     The tablature line consists of 6 lines (as shown in the picture) to represent guitar strings whose number is 6. The top line is numbered 1 to represent the bottom 1 string on the guitar. The line below is the number 2 representing the 2nd string on the guitar. Next is lines 3, 4, 5, and 6, the bottom one, if the digits of the 6th line represent the top 6 strings or commonly called the bass section.     Okay, let's learn how to read numbers and their punctuation..    In the first picture, the number 4/4 is written, which means that in each column the | . sign …. | (named bar / bar) there are 4 beats, try to learn to tap with your fee...

Cara Membaca Tablature Gitar

Tablatur (tabulasi) angka adalah suatu sistem cara paling mudah dibaca untuk memainkan alat musik gitar. Dengan menggunakan garis dan angka sebagai wakil dari senar dan fret (kolom di leher gitar yang tertanam besi) pada gitar. Kalo kurang jelas fotonya disini ada cara baca tablature di google drive. Baik mari kita selanjutnya belajar cara membaca angka dan tanda baca nya .. Di gambar awal tertulis angka 4/4 itu artinya dalam setiap kolom tanda | …. | (dinamakan bar / birama) terdapat 4 ketukan, coba kamu belajar mengetuk pakai kaki, pertama angkat telapak kaki lalu setelah sampai menyentuh lantai itu artinya ketukan 1, lalu angkat kembali telapak kaki ke atas dan turunkan membali ke lantai yang berarti ketukan 2, berikutnya sama juga caranya ketukan ke 3 sampai ketukan ke 4 telapak kaki menyentuh lantai dan itu berarti birama tersebut lengkap 4 ketuk .. masih kagok? Cek link sini untuk belajar less privat .. Berikutnya digambar melihat angka 3 dan terdapat tangkai ( | ) dibawah nomorn...

Tabs link Ikon - My Type (취향 저격) Instrumental Fingerstyle Guitar

  This link tablature song My Type (취향 저격) by Ikon group k-pop, cover fingerstyle acoustic guitar solo version .. composed / arranged by myself, hope you like it.. For you who want to save the tablature files are in the form of tabs PDF, tabs photos and mp3 instrumental. I'am send all ..  Ask me my whatsapp Sample tab : #ikonmytype #k-pop