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Classical Guitar Mazurka Choro by Heitor Villa Lobos Full Cover

Classical Guitar Mazurka Choro by Heitor Villa Lobos Full Cover by Rulli Finger Fitriadi ..

This song from Heitor Villa Lobos - Mazurka Choro is nice to hear and play.. I also made it in a short 4 part video, first I know this song is from a facebook friend @gvanetabetaneli who he plays on youtube and I try to play it too, the notation or tabulation I can get site .. 

I read it only for a few minutes or hours, memorizing it took 7-12 days .. I played this Mazurka Choro song by memorizing it, reading it only at the beginning when practicing .. Of the 3 parts of the story of the song from Heitor Villa Lobos is the best to listen to and play part 1, 2 and 3 .. 

I choose to play outdoors, it feels more natural to blend with the nature of this song.. The guitars I use are Yamaha c-390 and c-330A. . Hopefully useful and entertained ..

This is part of the song Mazurka Choro by Heitor Villa Lobos, there are 4 parts in all, please have a look who maybe you will learn this song too 🤗

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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